edits, broadcasts, translates...yn golygu darlledu a chyfieithu
                edits, broadcasts, translates...yn golygu darlledu a chyfieithu 

Services: what can we do for you? Beth sydd gennym i gynnig?

What do we offer?


Social media package / Gwasanaeth cyfryngau cymdeithasol 


Basic package starts from as little as £50 per month -

get in touch for more details!



see http://dailingual.co.uk/contact-cysylltu/



Gwasanaeth trydar yn dechrau am £50 y mis -

cysylltwch os hoffech chi fwy o wybodaeth.


ffoniwch 02920 707 469 (tel)



Press package / Gwasanaeth datganiadau :


A monthly multi-media campaign using a press release

of your choice plus social media support.


Datganiad misol a

chefnogaeth o'n cyfryngau cymdeithasol.


Begins @ £100 a month plus £50 set-up fee


£100 yn fisol + ffi gychwynnol o £50





Full on / Gwasanaeth lawn:


Dai Lingual will work for your business for as many days a week

as is feasible to produce measurable, quantifiable results.


Gall Dai Lingual gweithio i'ch cwmni chi am ba bynnag hyd sy'n ddelfrydol

o ran cynhyrchu canlyniadau gweledol a thryloyw. 


£250 per day plus £50 set-up fee / £250 y diwrnod + ffi gychwynnol o £50.




Audio editing / Golygu sain 


Copy editing / Golygu testun


Journalism / Gohebu


Proof-reading / Prawf-ddarllen


Training / Hyfforddiant


Video making  / cynhyrchu fideo




iTunes releases via Nasty Vulture Records / cwmni recordiau @Sglyfath




Our marketing campaigns give brands new life by creating eye-catching, compelling articles, press releases and ads that are finely tuned to capture your desired target audience. We make sure that your brand gets noticed.


Tailor-made marketing strategies

Marketing is the cornerstone of any sales strategy, because it determines how an audience perceives a product or service. An effective marketing strategy addresses four basic elements: product, price, promotion and distribution. Find your perfect balance and you'll be a success. 


A'r un fath yn y Gymraeg! A dim o reidrwydd yn cyfieithu yn slafaidd o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg; credwn y dylid parchu defnyddwyr eich busnes gyda defnydd mwy ysgytwol o'r iaith fel offeryn sy'n gallu chwarae tant hollol wahanol i'r Saesneg; fel bo dyn yn cael gwybodaeth ychwanegol, benodol fel Cymro Cymraeg. Neu Gymraes!  Mae'n siŵr eich bod yn deall...fel y chi'n deall y Saesneg uwchlaw hyn hefyd!

Take advantage of our marketing and PR expertise for:

  • Branding and positioning
  • Promoting products using Public Relations

Internet services:

  • Viral marketing strategies


Contact us today to find out how our marketing strategies can give you the competitive advantage that will propel your business to success.


Cysylltwch yda ni ar shwmaedai@dailingual.co.uk neu drwy'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol arferol!


Gyda'n cysylltiadau ni, ry' ni heb ein hail am ganfod y ffrwd gywir i'ch stori chwi.

Let us write your success story! / Gallwn ysgrifennu eich hanes chi er mwyn creu dyfodol disglair!

Am gael sylw i'ch stori chi ar gyfryngau'r Cymry?

Yna cysylltwch gyda ni!


Looking to increase your presence in Welsh media?


Contact us today to put our team to work for you.


Datrysiadau : Solutions



We can provide Welsh-language solutions for your company,

including a full translation, copywriting and copy-editing service.


Our recent portfolio includes proofreading and indexing recent academic texts,

and providing Welsh-language blogs and reports.  



What's new?


Newydd newydd:


ebost newydd david.wyn AT dailingual DOT cymru


email shows off the new .cymru domain!



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